Ultrastructural alteration of platelets and erythrocytes derived from women with spontaneous abortions: Atomic force microscopy study (2025)

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Evaluation of platelet indices in cases of spontaneous abortion and recurrent pregnancy loss

aya kassem

International journal of health sciences

Background: Spontaneous abortion is defined as a clinically recognized pregnancy loss before the 20th week of gestation, or an expulsion of an embryo weighing 500 g or less. .Pregnancy is a condition of hypercoagulation. study aimed to evaluate the change of platelet indices namely platelet count, platelet crit , platelet distribution width and mean platelet volume among patients . Methods: This study is observational case control study . participants were 135 and divided into three groups Group1: 45 women with spontaneous abortion. Group2: 45 women with recurrent pregnancy loss.Group3: 45 normally pregnant women Results At cut off 14.12, platelet distribution width diagnose abortion (P=0.008) with sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy of 74.4%, 53.3%, 76.1%, 51.1%, 67.4% respectively.At cut off 6.98, Mean platelet volume diagnose abortion (P=0.002) with sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy of 76.7%, 44.4%, 75.0%, 57.1%, 70.4% respectively. At cut off 0.31, Plat...

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Histomorphological study of chorionic villi in products of conception following first trimester abortions

Shilpa Shilpa

Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 2018

Background: The common problem which occurs in first trimester of pregnancy is miscarriage. Retained products of conception are commonly received specimen for histopathological examination. Apart from confirmation of pregnancy, a careful examination can provide some additional information about the cause or the conditions associated with abortion. Aim: 1. To study various histopathological changes occurring in chorionic villi in first trimester spontaneous abortions and to know the pathogenesis of abortions. Materials and methods: This was a cross sectional retrospective study carried out for over a period of 3 years from January 2015 to January 2018. A total of 235biopsies were obtained from patient with the diagnosis of the first trimester spontaneous abortions were included in this study. Results: In our study most common age group of the abortion was between 21-30 years (63%). Incomplete abortion was the commonest type of abortion (47.7%). Many dysmorphic features were observed in this study like hydropic change (67%), stromal fibrosis (62%), villi with reduced blood vessels (52.7%) and perivillous fibrin deposition. Other features seen were haemorrhage, fibrinoid degeneration, Aria Stella reaction and calcification. Reduced blood vessels in the villi had statistically significant association with stromal fibrosis and hydropic change which was <0.05. Conclusion: Cases with dysmorphic features as seen in the present study may be associated with certain chromosomal abnormalities. Such cases can not only be filtered for cytogenetic work up, but these features can also aid in counselling and planning of future pregnancies. Thus histopathological examination of abortus material is highly recommended.

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Morphology of Endometrial Scrapings in Early Spontaneous Abortions

Yogesh Parihar

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2020

Objective: Study of morphological changes in the endometrium and fetal membranes during spontaneous abortions in 9-12 weeks of pregnancy to clarify the etiopathogenetic mechanisms. Materials and methods: Study material was endometrial scrapings with components of fetoplacental tissue obtained after spontaneous abortions (176 cases) in 9-12 weeks of pregnancy, received at the Republican Pathological Bureau from several City Maternity Hospitals of Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic). The histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and a mixture of acid fuchsin and picric acid. The Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction was performed. Results: Of the 176 cases in 80 cases, by the medical reports, pregnant women had concomitant gynecological infectious pathology in the form of chronic endometritis, chronic salpingoophoritis, chlamydia, colpitis, and adnexitis. Histological examination revealed inflammatory changes in the form of deciduitis (24.5% of cases), endometritis (20.5% of cases), villitis (17.3% of cases) in 70% of cases. Pathological changes in the decidual membrane are determined as foci of leukocyte infiltration in 65% of cases, in 30%-foci of necrosis and in 20%-foci of hemorrhage. In 60% of cases, as their combination. Conclusion: Histological examination of endometrial scrapings and fetal membranes after spontaneous abortions in 9-12 week pregnant women, with a history of infectious inflammatory pathology, revealed the tissue inflammatory changes of varying severity, with the following additional microscopic characteristics: the compact arrangement of endometrial glands, weak vascularization of villus chorion; sclerotic, dystrophic, and necrotic changes with hemorrhages in the endometrium and decidual membrane.

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Morphometric and Nanomechanical Features of Platelets from Women with Early Pregnancy Loss Provide New Evidence of the Impact of Inherited Thrombophilia

Svetla Todinova

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021

Pregnancy is associated with hypercoagulation states and increased thrombotic risk, especially in women with thrombophilia. We combine atomic force microscopy (AFM) and flow cytometry to examine the morphology and nanomechanics of platelets derived from women with early pregnancy loss (EPL) and control pregnant (CP) and non-pregnant (CNP) women. Both control groups exhibit similar morphometric parameters (height and surface roughness) and membrane stiffness of platelets. EPL patients’ platelets, on the other hand, are more activated than the control groups, with prominent cytoskeletal rearrangement. In particular, reduced membrane roughness (22.9 ± 6 nm vs. 39.1 ± 8 nm) (p &lt; 0.05) and height (692 ± 128 nm vs. 1090 ± 131 nm) (p &lt; 0.05), strong alteration in the membrane Young modulus, increased production of platelets’ microparticles, and higher expression of procoagulant surface markers, as well as increased occurrence of thrombophilia (FVL, FII20210A, PLA1/A2, MTHFR C677T or ...

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Morphometric and Nanomechanical Features of Erythrocytes Characteristic of Early Pregnancy Loss

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International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Early pregnancy loss (EPL) is estimated to be between 15 and 20% of all adverse pregnancies. Approximately, half of EPL cases have no identifiable cause. Herein, we apply atomic force microscopy to evaluate the alteration of morphology and nanomechanics of erythrocytes from women with EPL with unknown etiology, as compared to healthy pregnant (PC) and nonpregnant women (NPC). Freshly isolated erythrocytes from women with EPL differ in both the roughness value (4.6 ± 0.3 nm, p &lt; 0.05), and Young’s modulus (2.54 ± 0.6 MPa, p &lt; 0.01) compared to the values for NPC (3.8 ± 0.4 nm and 0.94 ± 0.2 MPa, respectively) and PC (3.3 ± 0.2 nm and 1.12 ± 0.3 MPa, respectively). Moreover, we find a time-dependent trend for the reduction of the cells’ morphometric parameters (cells size and surface roughness) and the membrane elasticity—much faster for EPL than for the two control groups. The accelerated aging of EPL erythrocytes is expressed in faster morphological shape transformation and ea...

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Cellularity of the umbilical cord blood of hypertensive pregnant women: a case control study

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Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 2015

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Triploidy in human abortions

Asher Ornoy

Teratology, 1978

Seven triploid embryos and fetuses, six spontaneously aborted and one resulting from pregnancy interruption are described. A wide range of malformations, from amorphous, nodular embryos, to apparently normal phenotypes were observed. The degree of hydatid degeneration in the placentae ranged from minimal to severe. In several cases large, atypical cells were present in the villous stroma. There was no apparent correlation between the degree of placental lesion and fetal malformations. It is suggested that termination of triploid pregnancies is determined more by the degree of placental damage rather than the severity and type of fetal anomalies.

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Pathology of Chorionic Villi in Spontaneous Abortions

Saad Siddiqui


Spontaneous abortions are quite common. While in a normal multiparous woman, one or two spontaneous abortions are not unusual, recurrent spontaneous abortions may pose serious problems for some couples. Many such abortions may have a background of genetic anomaly that is reflected in abnormalities of chorionic villi. It is therefore, important to study placenta for various pathological lesions in order to understand the etiology & pathogenesis of the abortion. The chorionic villi are the main fetal part and functional unit of placenta. In this study we examined various pathological changes in chorionic villi in 64 cases of spontaneous abortion specimens. These included hydropic change, numbers of vessels, patency of vessels, stromal fibrosis, fibrinoid degeneration and Hofbauer macrophages. We observed that the villi were reduced in 97% of cases, 83% of villi had stromal fibrosis, 75% displayed fibrinoid degeneration, 75% contained reduced numbers of blood vessels while the patency of vessels was seriously affected in 66% of cases, and 67% cases had prominent Hofbauer macrophages. We conclude that vast majority of spontaneous abortions have abnormal chorionic villi and the most common abnormalities are marked fibrosis and severely compromised vasculature incompatible with fetal development and viability.

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Ultrastructural alteration of platelets and erythrocytes derived from women with spontaneous abortions: Atomic force microscopy study (2025)


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